Comb Gill by Louise Tilbrook

Comb Gill

Louise Tilbrook's Ravelry Store
no longer available from 1 source show
March 2015
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
32 stitches = 4 inches
in Stocking stitch
US 1½ - 2.5 mm
350 - 450 yards (320 - 411 m)
M (8" circumference) and L (9" circumference)
This pattern is available for £6.50 GBP
buy it now or visit pattern website

This pattern is no longer available on Ravelry. You can find the pattern here:

And you can find all of my other designs here:

For added fun and for those speedy knitters amongst you knitting a pair of your very own Comb Gill socks and posting a picture to your Ravelry project page (and in the FO thread on my Ravlery group - link here) will will get you a discount code for 50% off any of my other patterns. To qualify your socks must be completed and posted as specified by 19th May 2015.

Our Walks In Lakeland series continues as we walk from Seatoller towards the mountain summit of Glaramara:

After you leave the fell wall and start to make your way to the start of the ascent, Comb Gill (pronounced Coombe Gill) provides an ideal spot for a quick drink and a breather. A scenic stopping point where a mountain beck cascades over dark grey slate and granite.

The small twisted cables in this sock echo the paths taken as the water finds it own way down the mountainside, carving niches and channels as it does so.

This sock is offered in both toe-up and cuff down formats, with a traditional gusset heel flap. The unisex cable design makes use of left-twist and right-twist stitches to result in a pleasing, cascade effect along the sock.