Baby Blocks Throw by Lion Brand Yarn

Baby Blocks Throw

January 2005
DK (11 wpi) ?
4.0 mm (G)
1836 yards (1679 m)
29 x 39 in. (73.5 x 99 cm)
This pattern is available for free.

Lion Brand Pattern #: 70456AD
Corrections applied Jan 14, 2008

SKILL LEVEL: Easy (Level 2)

Babysoft® (Article #920)
4 colors, 1 ball each
Pastel Pink, Pistachio, Pink Lemonade, Violet

Crochet Hook - Size G-6 (4 mm)

Gauge: 1 Square = 9-3/4 in. (25 cm) in pattern stitch.

Pattern provides 4 different colorways. Make 12 squares total. Sew squares together to finish as shown in assembly diagram.

See 90103AD Cheerful Squares Baby Throw for the LB Collection® Cotton Bamboo (Article #487) version.