An Over-Jacket is Very Chic! by Australian Women's Weekly

An Over-Jacket is Very Chic!

July 1934
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 5 - 3.75 mm
US 3 - 3.25 mm
2.25 mm (B)
34" bust
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Pattern published in 1934.

No gauge is given.

A colorful little over-jacket worn with a jumper looks very smart. It’s the latest notion in the hand-knit vogue overseas.

The check design in this little over-jacket is most intriguing to knit and equally pleasant to wear when it is finished.

Narrow, flared frills form a very smart finish at the neck and sleeves, while the cut-away effect also adds to the captivating air of the over-jacket, which represents something quite new in the way of knitted wear.

Materials: 4 skeins white, 2 skeins green 4-ply wool. Pair No. 9 bone needles. A set of four No. 10 needles pointed at both ends. A No. 1 Argosy crochet hook.

Measurements: Length from shoulder to lower edge 12½ inches. Bust 34 inches, sleeve seam 5 inches.