An Attractive Little Hat by The Western Mail

An Attractive Little Hat

July 1933
Carter and Parker's 4-ply Wendy wool
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
7 stitches and 10 rows = 1 inch
US 3 - 3.25 mm
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This neat little hat is made in beige, with rolls of beige and green as trimmings. The stocking stitch is used throughout.

Measurements: Depth of crown, 7½ in.; width round head, 21½ in.

Materials: Two ounces of Carter and Parker’s 4-ply “Wendy” wool in beige, and one ounce in green, 1 pair of No. 10 “Stratnoid” knitting needles, and enough piping cord, half an inch thick, to go round your head three times.