5 Wit stelletjie by Elsie Theron

5 Wit stelletjie

Fingering (14 wpi) ?
US 2 - 2.75 mm
US 2½ - 3.0 mm
980 yards (896 m)
Baby Angel Doll/Pop or 6 months baby/baba
This pattern is available for free: Baby-angel-wenpatrone-30-Nov-1983.pdf

4 x 50 gram Sirdar Snuggly.
Oorskiet wol in pastel kleure/oddments of pastel coloured yarn.
5 knopies/buttons.
Kabelnaald/Cable needle.

Stelletjie/Doll outfit
Doll wears a white lace dress, white lace bonnet and plain leggings.

Mevrou Elsie Theron van Williston, South Africa.
