2635 Child's Sweater by Passap Design Team

2635 Child's Sweater

Machine Knitting
September 1979
yarn held together
+ Lace
+ Lace
= Sport (12 wpi) ?
1171 yards (1071 m)
approx. 4 years old, height 104 cm
English French
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Passap knitting machine instructions for a child’s sweater in double bed jacquard with a front motif of three people. This pattern can be done manually following the chart or automatically using Deco punchcard 23.

The pattern calls for 170 g “fine wool” : 90 g navy blue and 80 g white. The meters per 100g information has been omitted from the pattern page, but the stitch size and test squares are the same as dress on the same page so that information has been used here.

Test square in double bed jacquard: 100 sts = 16 cm, 100 row (RC 200) = 25 cm

The instructions say that this pattern can also be knitted with the Passap Forma (which uses paper patterns).

The photo is on p15 of the model book (p16 of the pdf), the instructions on p39 of the instruction book (p58 of the pdf).