1739 Lady's coat dress by Passap Design Team

1739 Lady's coat dress

Machine Knitting
July 1970
Lace ?
55 stitches and 99.99 rows = 4 inches
in acc to nd-diagram (look for notes)
to fit a 37'' bust
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Machine knitting pattern for standard gauge double bed

21 ozs of fine wool, green
20 buttons
2 press studs
abt. 39 ½ ozs of lining material, 55’’ wide

Pattern acc to nd-diagram
Bands in tubular.

Test square:
100 sts = 7 ¼’’,
100 rows = 3’’ i.e. 200 rows = 6’’, see PASSAP Chart, clumn 6’’, and multiply the obtained number of rows by two.

to be found in model book (pdf-file): picture front cover, pattern p.45 (p.25 of instruction book)

Instructions for Duomatic