1729 Girl's dress by Passap Design Team

1729 Girl's dress

Machine Knitting
July 1970
Lace ?
22 stitches and 53 rows = 4 inches
in stocking stitch
approx. 4 to 5 years
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

to fit a 26’’ chest approx., age abt 4 to 5 years

Machine knitting pattern for standard gauge double bed

Appr 12 ¼ ozs of fine red wool, 1 oddment of white wool
8 gold buttons
1 buckle

Skirt, back and sleeves are worked in stocking st, top of front in transfer pattern acc to diagram and needle division
Hem in tubular
Crochet triming in white

to be found in model book (pdf-file): picture p.13, pattern p.38 (p.18 of instruction book)

Instructions for Duomatic and Passap COMBI