1719 Girl's cap by Passap Design Team

1719 Girl's cap

Machine Knitting
July 1970
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
28 stitches and 46 rows = 4 inches
in stocking sts and fair isle
age 9-10 years
Out of print. This pattern was available for free.

Machine knitting pattern for standard gauge single bed
borders in tubular

Material medium wool:
1 ¾ ozs golden yellow, 1 ¾ ozs light yellow

stocking st and fairisle acc to diagram or
Jac 40 ornamental leaves, pattern No. 306

to be found in model book (pdf-file): picture p.13, pattern p.32f (p.12f of instruction book)

Instructions for Duomatic and Passap COMBI

Material for whole trouser-suit 1719 (including cap):
29 ¾ ozs of medium wool:
26 ¼ ozs golden yellow, 29 ¾ ozs black 3 ½ ozs. light yellow