Tinaka Schwendiman

Tinaka Schwendiman
Magic Mock Cable Bag
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop

- Magic Mock Cable Bag
- Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Geometric Blooms
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop

- Geometric Blooms
- Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Namaste Shawlette
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop

- Namaste Shawlette
- Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Mountain Bluebird Cowl
Birds of the Pacific Northwest: 2020 Rose City Yarn Crawl Pattern Collection
Birds of the Pacific Northwest: 2020 Rose City Yarn Crawl Pattern Collection

- Mountain Bluebird Cowl
- Birds of the Pacific Northwest: 2020 Rose City Yarn Crawl Pattern Collection
Rooster Rock Mitts
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop

- Rooster Rock Mitts
- Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Deschutes River Hot Water Bottle Cover
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
- Deschutes River Hot Water Bottle Cover
- Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Gardening Gnome in your PDX Home
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop

- Gardening Gnome in your PDX Home
- Northwest Wools Portland, OR Ravelry Shop
Oregon "Great Grapes" Wine Caddy
Oregon Grows Great Things
Oregon Grows Great Things

- Oregon "Great Grapes" Wine Caddy
- Oregon Grows Great Things
Benson Bubbler Teapot Cozy
Postcards from Portland
Postcards from Portland
- Benson Bubbler Teapot Cozy
- Postcards from Portland