Meri Tanaka
Meri Tanaka
Editor of amirisu magazine, and co-owner of amirisu shops (online / WALNUT Kyoto / WALNUT Tokyo) in Japan.
I occasionally design for our shops.
メリヤス編みのシンプルマフラー / Simple Stockinette Scarf
amirisu online shop
amirisu online shop

- メリヤス編みのシンプルマフラー / Simple Stockinette Scarf
- amirisu online shop
メリヤス編みのシンプルミトン / Simple Stockinette Mitts
amirisu online shop
amirisu online shop

- メリヤス編みのシンプルミトン / Simple Stockinette Mitts
- amirisu online shop
Yugen | 幽玄
Wabi-sabi: The Beauty of Artisanally Made Yarns
Wabi-sabi: The Beauty of Artisanally Made Yarns

- Yugen | 幽玄
- Wabi-sabi: The Beauty of Artisanally Made Yarns
Advent Calendar 2021 Day22
Amirisu Magazine's Ravelry Store
Amirisu Magazine's Ravelry Store

- Advent Calendar 2021 Day22
- Amirisu Magazine's Ravelry Store
Fantastic Stripes
amirisu Fall/Winter 2021, Issue 23
amirisu Fall/Winter 2021, Issue 23

- Fantastic Stripes
- amirisu Fall/Winter 2021, Issue 23