Lou Schiela
Lou Schiela
Welcome to my Ravelry store! I hope you find something you like here. Please contact me if you have any questions about my patterns or even knitting in general. I love a good knitting chat.
You can also see my knitting at https://www.pinterest.com/louvfs/lou-schiela-knits/.
Seagirt Pullover
Knitting Plus: Mastering Fit + Plus-Size Style + 15 Projects
Knitting Plus: Mastering Fit + Plus-Size Style + 15 Projects
- Seagirt Pullover
- Knitting Plus: Mastering Fit + Plus-Size Style + 15 Projects
Cleveland Shell
Knitting Plus: Mastering Fit + Plus-Size Style + 15 Projects
Knitting Plus: Mastering Fit + Plus-Size Style + 15 Projects
- Cleveland Shell
- Knitting Plus: Mastering Fit + Plus-Size Style + 15 Projects
Diamond Rib Socks 2 at a time on 2 circs
Lou Schiela Ravelry store
Lou Schiela Ravelry store
- Diamond Rib Socks 2 at a time on 2 circs
- Lou Schiela Ravelry store
Renaissance White
Knitter's Magazine 92, Fall 2008
Knitter's Magazine 92, Fall 2008
- Renaissance White
- Knitter's Magazine 92, Fall 2008