Kiyuna Hareru (きゆな はれる)
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
19 futamaki Minna no makimono 50 みんなの、まきもの50 September 2009 20 39
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20 futamaki Minna no makimono 50 みんなの、まきもの50 January 2009
24 futamaki Minna no makimono 50 みんなの、まきもの50 September 2009 1 6
25 Alphabet cloth Crochet Sui-sui Lace Zakka かぎ針すいすいレースの雑貨 April 2008 1 26
3 overskirt(オーバースカート) Two Knits from One Knitting Diagram 1つの編み図で2つのニット) September 2010 1 41
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3. Hankerchief Edging Crochet Sui-sui Lace Zakka かぎ針すいすいレースの雑貨 March 2008 1 1
30. Lace Pattern Cafe Curtain (レース模様のカフェカーテン) Crochet Sui-sui Lace Zakka かぎ針すいすいレースの雑貨 April 2008 6 184
Basic form slipper(おうちばき基本形) Slippers おうちばき January 2008 16 10
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Blanket 1 Only straight knit (まっすぐ編むだけ) October 2007
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Cape Hand knit time (ハンドニットの時間 1hour:1day:1week:1monthで編む) September 2008 5 105
jacket p.20 Only straight knit (まっすぐ編むだけ) November 2007 1 16
Kids dress p.28 Only straight knit (まっすぐ編むだけ) October 2007 1 25
long long necklace Hand knit time (ハンドニットの時間 1hour:1day:1week:1monthで編む) September 2008 2 31
Neckwarmer Hand knit time (ハンドニットの時間 1hour:1day:1week:1monthで編む) September 2008 22 249
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No. 15 Cropped Tee Kiyuna Hareru: Spring-Summer Flowery Knits (春夏ニットきゆなはれるの花便り) March 1989
no.10 rabbit muffler knit, make, small things (あんで、つくる、ちいさなもの) September 2007 2 44
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p.23 Edo Artisan Vest Keito Dama, No.53 Early Spring 1990 February 1990 1
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Roomshoes No.32 The fashion weaves the small thing (时尚编织小物件)
Seaweed Minna no makimono 50 みんなの、まきもの50 September 2009 1 45
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Socks No.31 The fashion weaves the small thing (时尚编织小物件)
To the Sea tezukuri techo 手づくり手帖, vol.09 May 2016 2 18
Wooly Socks(ふわふわ毛糸の靴下) Beautifully Handmade すてきにハンドメイド 2010年12月号 December 2010 November 2010 8 18