Joyce Goodman
Many things draw me to work as a designer and artist. The first is that it is a way of learning about materials and how things work. Beauty, itself, also compels me to live a creative life.
My design background started with a BFA in Interior Design and segued into Product Design, Textiles and Surfaces over time.
Since 1994 I have been making art jewelry, primarily using ancient, Classical gold-smithing methods. I began to add fiber techniques I have enjoyed for years - weaving, knitting and crocheting - applying textile techniques to metal.
I design and make knitted wire jewelry and have taught the technique and sold patterns and kits here through my company, Knit Kit Jewelry®.
My undergraduate and graduate studies in Interior and Industrial Design were followed by professional experience in both those fields.
Jewelry by Joyce Goodman has been shown at such venues as The Philadelphia Museum of Art Craft Show, ACC Baltimore, The Walters Museum, SOFA/NY, Aaron Faber Gallery and The American Craft Museum. I taught jewelry making at Jewelry Arts Institute in NY, and am proud of my work establishing a jewelry program in Salvador, Brazil for Projeto Axe – an NGO that uses mastery gained through art to save the lives of children living on the streets, as well as my participation in Brooklyn Boatworks, a NYC NGO that teaches public school students STEM, Leadership, Cooperation, and Hands-on Skills by building (and then sailing) full size wooden sailboats over the course of a school year.
Creative Knitting, January 2012

- Crystalline Necklace & Cuff
- Creative Knitting, January 2012