Jennifer Adair

Jennifer Adair
After spending years in the construction industry, I ran off to join the circus and make my living as a craft artist working in glass and fiber. I love playing with color and texture and sharing the knowledge with others.
I’ve accumulated almost a pound of Blue Heeler undercoat from Zeke, whose favorite words are “Ready to get carded?”
Combining an interest in the environment with a love of all things fibery, in 2013 I developed BioFiberSoak, a method of cleaning raw fleece without hot water or detergent (published Winter 2013 Spin-Off).
The Entwined Lace Mitts
Jennifer Adair's Ravelry Store
Jennifer Adair's Ravelry Store
- The Entwined Lace Mitts
- Jennifer Adair's Ravelry Store