These doily patterns I designed are available for free.
These patterns contain a COMPLETE photo-tutorial. This means they contain a picture of every round of the pattern, with crochet symbols overlaid to show where to place your stitches. These are the ONLY patterns of mine that contain a complete photo-tutorial.
These patterns contain a complete video tutorial. These are the only patterns that have them. The complete video tutorials are a separate purchase from the pattern itself. More information can be found here:
All of the patterns in this bundle are available with a Dutch translation. Just be sure to download the files labeled “Dutch” after you purchase.
All of the patterns in this bundle are available with a German translation. Just be sure to download the files labeled “German” after you purchase.
All of the patterns in this bundle are available with a Swedish translation. Just be sure to download the files labeled “Swedish” after you purchase.
Todos los patrones en este paquete contienen una traducción al español.
chacun de ces motifs est traduit en français