Eeva Kesäkuu

Eeva Kesäkuu
I’m a mother of three living in Jyväskylä, Finland.
While looking after my first baby I started designing knitwear. I hadn’t found a pattern for what I wanted to make, so I had to make one myself. Due to little knitting time it took a long time until I released Valentino, but I’m very happy with the pattern and it has been an extremely useful garment for both my kids. Since then it has happened more and more often, that I can’t find the perfect pattern, so I’ve kept on exploring and designing.
Please note: If you have questions or comments, please contact me via e-mail or the contact form on my site, instead of Ravelry messages. I don’t check Ravelry very often.
Ravelry group | blog (English) | blog (Finnish) | Payhip | Instagram
Railin huivi/Raili's Shawl
Eeva Kesäkuu's Ravelry Store
Eeva Kesäkuu's Ravelry Store

- Railin huivi/Raili's Shawl
- Eeva Kesäkuu's Ravelry Store