Christy Furlan
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
A Beauty but a Funny Girl Yarning for Whimsy November 2017 8 37
A cabled cowl combined with a warm hood makes for roguish style and extra coziness! A Knit for Nott Crit Knits March 2020 82 1767
Warm cabled armwarmers with lightning-like cables on one side and Zen-like twisted stitches on the other. Beau's Bracers Crit Knits June 2020 12 50
Bellflower Hat Yarning for Whimsy March 2017 16 308
Twisted stitches, cables, and duplicate stitch eyes combine to create intricate socks reminiscent of a certain many-eyed leviathan warlock patron. Chosen of Uk'otoa Crit Knits September 2020 16 110
Craigh na Dun Yarning for Whimsy August 2018 20 394
Double Rainbow Cowl Yarning for Whimsy January 2017 9 79
God of Wine Yarning for Whimsy October 2020 14 346
HiraHira Yarning for Whimsy June 2019 6 126
Mr. Wednesday Yarning for Whimsy July 2017 6 286
Nine for Mortal Men The Lord of the Rings Hat Collection January 2019 22 379
One for the Dark Lord The Lord of the Rings Hat Collection January 2019 6 52
Palm Fronds & Pomegranates Yarning for Whimsy July 2022 15 121
Pop Pop Pom Pom Hat Yarning for Whimsy January 2017 14 97
Raindrops on Roses Fibre Muse Quarterly: Dreamer 2018 February 2018 7 60
Seven for the Dwarf-Lords The Lord of the Rings Hat Collection January 2019 29 328
Smoke and Bone and Bridges Yarning for Whimsy December 2019 14 167
Starlight Mountains Cowl Yarning for Whimsy February 2018 18 180
Starlight Mountains Hat Starlight Mountains Mosaics February 2018 11 286
Starlight Mountains Mittens Starlight Mountains Mosaics March 2017 8 84
The Rainbow and the West Wind Yarning for Whimsy October 2018 26 803
Three Rings for the Elven-Kings The Lord of the Rings Hat Collection December 2018 33 1117
Cables reminiscent of braided leather and knitted mosaics of flowers and lightning combine to form one large, wing-shaped shawl. Waiting for Lightning Crit Knits June 2021 15 223
Walk the Moon Hat Yarning for Whimsy January 2017 4 29