Thank you ravelry for making me feel like home among knitting friends!
You find all my designs below. Thank you for visiting! I love to evolve sweater necklines and well fitting shoulders, knitted from the top-down, seamlessly in one piece. All patterns are related to that love, where the construction makes the design. For the fun of knitting a flattering and a little sophisticated garment.
Find my ravelry group: ANKESTRiCK designs
Find me on instagram : @ankestrick
You need knitting support for one of my patterns? click here
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REViVAL (dedicated to SusieM)
ANKESTRiCK Ravelry Store
ANKESTRiCK Ravelry Store

- REViVAL (dedicated to SusieM)
- ANKESTRiCK Ravelry Store
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