Anja Stricklust
Hello Ravelry :-);
I´m an over 50 years old knitter from Germany. Knitting is my hobby since my childhood (with some time outs). 2003 I learned also to knit socks. And I love to crochet too.
Since I´m a Ravelry member, I can knit from english patterns and my (very old) scoolenglish is a bit better then some years ago but really not perfect!
Sometimes I´m not each day online. When you send me a PM, let me a little bit time - I answer as soon as I can. Thanks.
Happy knitting and crocheting!
On 30th March 2021 I close my shop for personal reasons.
30.03.2021: Shop is closed now.
All my patterns are for personal use please; feel free to use them for charity. Please give credits to my patterns. Thanks. And if you like one of my photos, please ask for permission to use. Thanks again. In German: Alle meine Anleitungen sind zum privaten Gebrauch, können aber gern für gute Zwecke verwendet werden. Bitte immer auf meine Anleitungen verweisen. Vielen Dank. Und wenn mal eines meiner Fotos gefallen sollte bitte nachfragen. Nochmal vielen Dank.
Edit June 2019:
Unfortunately, at least one of my patterns was stolen along with a photo and published without consultation and without my permission on a foreign website.
Although my patternpages contains the note that I do not permit a translation and publication without permission.
That is disrespectful and unlawful. Quick to steal and make easy does not seem to be a problem. Courtesy and asking is apparently a problem. Very sad.
Verena Stricken, 2010 Winter

- # 10 Friends Fäustlinge
- Verena Stricken, 2010 Winter

- Soap Saver / Seifendufttaschensäckchen 2
- Stricklust

- Soap Saver / Seifendufttaschensäckchen 1
- Stricklust