Twirl Socks by verybusymonkey

Twirl Socks

October 2009
Fingering (14 wpi) ?
7 stitches and 11 rows = 1 inch
in stockinette
US 2 - 2.75 mm
350 - 450 yards (320 - 411 m)
women's medium
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Knit from the top down, this pattern is done entirely WITHOUT a cable needle. Don’t get me wrong, I love cables, but for whatever reason I don’t like having to deal with cable needles when I’m working on my socks. So, this pattern is done entirely using twisted stitches that twirl around down the sock.

Please note: The instructions for the 3st-cross L stitch are below.

The stitch is most easily worked as follows:

slip 3 to cable needle, rotate 180 degrees counter-clockwise (this will make the third stitch first, the second stitch still in the middle and the first stitch third), then k, p, k them.

I suppose the “official” definition/explanation would be sl2 onto cable needle, k1, slip second stitch to left-hand needle, p1, then k last stitch, but I think the short cut I mentioned is easiest.