2472 Rectangles Pullover by Plymouth Yarn Design Studio

2472 Rectangles Pullover

Worsted (9 wpi) ?
20 stitches and 26 rows = 4 inches
in stocking stitch
US 7 - 4.5 mm
US 9 - 5.5 mm
981 - 1308 yards (897 - 1196 m)
42 (45, 48, 52)"
This pattern is available for $5.00 USD buy it now

Approx. Finished Measurements: 40(44, 48, 52)” bust and 23.5(24, 24.5, 25)” length

Gina (50g): 9 (10, 11, 12) balls color # 1
Gauge: 20 sts and 26 rows = 4” in St st with SMALLER needles

Needles: US size 7 & 9, or size needed to obtain gauge; tapestry needle

For more information see: https://www.plymouthyarn.com/yarn/gina-item-631#2472