

Deadly Knitshade: writer, traveller, unexpected designer, very unexpected entrepreneur, cancer vanquisher, knitter of things most odd and turner upside down of small unsuspecting dogs.

I am the author of two knitting books:

Stitch London - a book of kooky little city knits about London
Knit the City - a graffiti knitting book featuring lovely images and two graffiti patterns

I’m the founder and Founder and Chief Woolly Godzilla Wrangler of Stitch London, which was the UK’s largest stitching group from 2005 to 2012.

She may or may not also be the infamous graffiti knitter of the same name at Whodunnknit and founder of Knit the City.

I tell myself I don’t actually follow patterns but end up contradicting myself by writing them.

I see a pair of knitting needles like a magic paint brush. If you’re not bringing things to life with your stitching then what on earth are you doing?

I cannot crochet. It is my curse.

original designs

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Cosy Greeting Card
Stitch London
The Queen's Corgis
Stitch London
Fleabag the Fox
Stitch London
Grog the Raven
Stitch London
Laptop Sock
Stitch London
Square Sheep
Knit the City: A Whodunnknit Set in London
Bag Bovver
Stitch London
Commuter Book Cosy
Stitch London
Tubeline Scarf
Stitch London
The Police
Stitch London
The Queen's Guard
Stitch London
Tiny Tower Bridge
Stitch London
Baby Big Ben
Stitch London
Cooey the Pigeon
Stitch London
The Queen
Stitch London
Easy-to-make Cat Toy
Internet Archive (Wayback Machine)
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