Stacey Trock
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Swirly Pig Blanket Cuddly Crochet: Adorable Toys, Hats and More March 2010 3 20
Sydney the Snuggly Penguin Cuddly Crochet: Adorable Toys, Hats and More March 2010 21 46
Taggle the Monster Knitting Fever Inc. Ravelry Store October 2012 51 673
Teagan the Teacup FreshStitches on Ravelry February 2017 19 33
Teddy Bear Bookends Modern Baby Crochet January 2014 57 81
Teddy the Bear FreshStitches on Ravelry March 2012 286 563
Thomas the Turtle FreshStitches on Ravelry September 2015 7 48
Tiki the Clown FreshStitches on Ravelry January 2009 3 48
Timmy the Teddy Bear Cuddly Crochet: Adorable Toys, Hats and More March 2010 20 18
Tip the Crab FreshStitches on Ravelry July 2010 11 134
Trinket Box FreshStitches Website November 2008 1 57
Troy the Astronaut with jet pack FreshStitches on Ravelry January 2008 5 57
Tuffy, the Republican Elephant FreshStitches on Ravelry March 2009 1 44
Tuskegee the Walrus/ Wally, das Walross Crocheted Softies November 2011 30 90
Tux, the Linux Penguin FreshStitches on Ravelry October 2008 5 49
Under the Sea Fish Hat FreshStitches on Ravelry November 2008 2 82
Valentine's Day Hearts, 3 sizes FreshStitches on Ravelry January 2011 82 872
Vera the Ladybug Cutie Crawlies May 2012 87 158
Waddles the Penguin/ Patrick, der Pinguin Crocheted Softies November 2011 49 82
Walter the Democratic Donkey FreshStitches on Ravelry November 2008 1 41
Waves of White Afghan Modern Baby Crochet January 2014 11 74
Wendy the Witch Hat FreshStitches on Ravelry October 2015 6 51
William the Whale FreshStitches on Ravelry May 2011 17 99
Witch Hat Malabrigo Halloween October 2013 5 300
Witchy Legwarmers Malabrigo Halloween October 2013 2 56