Rachel van Schie
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Tea Time Dishcloth Knits by Rachel August 2007 13 177
Tea Time Oven Hanger Knits by Rachel 4 69
Tea Time Placemat Knits by Rachel February 2009 4 171
Teacher's Apples Dishcloth Knits by Rachel May 2007 15 158
Teachers Rule Dishcloth Knits by Rachel April 2007 1 22
The Stockings Were Hung... Dishcloth Knits by Rachel 2 61
There's Snow Place Like Home Dishcloth Knits by Rachel 10 237
Three Kings Dishcloth Knits by Rachel October 2007 3 44
Touched by Cancer Prayer Square Dishcloth Calendar of Hope 2013 January 2013 1 58
Traveling to Bethlehem Dishcloth Knits by Rachel October 2007 5 86
Trick or Treat Dishcloth Knits by Rachel September 2007 5 127
Tulip Dishcloth Knits by Rachel March 2007 8 172
Turkey Wishbone Dishcloth Knits by Rachel September 2007 3 72
Two Piece Swim Suit Dishcloth Knits by Rachel July 2008 26 281
Valentine Dishcloth Knits by Rachel February 2007 92 805
Vintage Kitchen Florals Dishcloth Knits by Rachel 3 109
Warm Winter Wishes Dishcloth Knits by Rachel 8 151
We Wish You A Merry Christmas Oven Hanger Knits by Rachel November 2007 14 172
Weeping For Willow Dishcloth Knits by Rachel 10 185
Wintery Neighbourhood Placemat Knits by Rachel November 2012 1 90
Wintery Tree in a Snow Globe Dishcloth Knits by Rachel November 2008 9 180
Wishing Well Dishcloth Knits by Rachel April 2009 12 109
Witch's Brew Dishcloth Knits by Rachel September 2007 7 256
Wooden Shoes Dishcloth Knits by Rachel October 2008 5 67
X's and O's Dishcloth Knits by Rachel January 2009 83 766