Barbara Summers
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Crochet Mittens EDWARDIAN Microknit Creations December 2012 4 357
Crochet Mittens PARIS (UK) Microknit Creations January 2014 2 79
Crochet Mittens PARIS (USA) Microknit Creations January 2014 2 142
Crochet Mittens TWEED Microknit Creations November 2011 39
Crochet Mobius "COUNTRY TRACKS" Microknit Creations October 2011 5 138
Crochet Mobius and Mittens "Honeycombe" Microknit Creations August 2011 1 74
Crochet Mobius SHADOW Microknit Creations April 2014 2 133
Crochet Pocket JAWS Microknit Creations January 2013 18
Crochet Scarf ANDES MiCrocknit Creations February 2014 44
Crochet Slippers TRAVELLER Microknit Creations April 2014 16 497
Crochet Starfish and Fish Microknit Creations May 2014 34 785
DAISY GRANNY Square Microknit Creations October 2014 16 533
Decorative Table Set DMC Crochet 14895L/2, Decorative Table Set 3 146
DIAMONDS Knit Poncho with Hood Microknit Creations June 2014 49
Double Arrow Hat Microknit Creations November 2018 44
Double Arrow Scarf ARROW HEADS Ebook March 2019 12
DROWSY Hat MiCrocknit Creations August 2017 9 222
Echo Hat Inside Crochet, Issue 35, November 2012 November 2012 36 182
ELDERBERRY Mobius Microknit Creations September 2017 16
ENCHANTED FOREST Mandalas Microknit Creations February 2016 166
FANTASY Butterfly Microknit Creations January 2016 68
Flora 2 Microknit Creations January 2017 29
Gift Bag PEARL Microknit Creations October 2012 24 651
GRACE Baby Fern Scarf MiCrocknit Creations November 2017 10 428
HAPPY Rucksack MiCrocknit Creations August 2014 4 301