Anna Victoria
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Mirabilis Beaded Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store June 2016 19 699
MKAL Fireside Tales Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store October 2021 49 808
MKAL For the Trees Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store September 2022 44 761
MKAL Joie De Vivre Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store November 2019 46 700
MKAL Questa Sancti Gradalis Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store August 2020 37 216
MKAL Under The Harvest Moon Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store September 2023 26 197
Morning Star Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store October 2017 26 515
My Precious Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store July 2017 29 765
Mystical Forest Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store July 2018 59 1235
Ocean Spray Beaded Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store February 2015 31 1049
Oceana Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store August 2012 19 760
Ozone Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store January 2018 23 726
Pallas Athena Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store June 2020 14 531
Paragon Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store March 2013 26 937
Pax Vobiscum Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store June 2020 65 1635
Pearla Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store February 2017 141 2795
Reforged Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store September 2017 17 383
River Maiden Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store September 2018 27 881
Rosarian Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store May 2018 155 1700
Rubina Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store November 2016 94 1936
Sapphira Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store February 2017 80 1084
Sheherazade Beaded Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store June 2013 339 6129
Shieldmaiden Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store June 2017 117 2220
Solar Sea Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store January 2018 26 492
Soli Deo Gloria Lace Shawl By the Lily Pond Ravelry Store May 2015 501 7682