Alice Starmore
Photo Name Category Primary source Date available Projects
Berry Tree Berry Tree Stillwater January 1996 21 205
Birdsfoot Wrap Virtual Yarns 69 352
Blue Corn Cafe American Portraits 11 247
Boat and Rope Sweater Sweaters for Men January 1989 5 107
Bodega Bay Pacific Coast Highway January 1997 20 211
Bolivian Hat Children's Knitting from Many Lands January 1984 3 14
Border Pattern Cardigan Alice Starmore's Book of Fair Isle Knitting (1988) January 1988 17 291
Border-Pattern Gansey Alice Starmore's Book of Fair Isle Knitting (1988) November 1986 27 124
Boreray Sweater Virtual Yarns December 2022 5 333
Boudicca's Braid Aran Knitting, New & Expanded Edition September 2010 9 340
Boy's Cardigan Set Alice Starmore's Book of Fair Isle Knitting (1988) October 1988 3 73
Breton Fishermen's Sweaters January 1993 8 35
Breton (2024) Virtual Yarns September 2024 6 137
Briodag Fingerless Gloves Virtual Yarns February 2021 10 31
Briodag Hat Virtual Yarns February 2021 21 188
Briodag Scarf Virtual Yarns June 2020 16 38
no photo
Cailleach Glamourie February 2018 1 19
no photo
Cairngorm Brooch Virtual Yarns January 2011 1 12
Caledonia A Scottish Garland January 1993 10 132
Canyonville American Portraits January 1994 18 844
Cape Cod Fishermen's Sweaters January 1996 78 311
Capillifolium Baby Bonnet Piecework, Jan/Feb 2009 January 2009 95 492
Capillifolium Beret Virtual Yarns January 2009 18 263
Capillifolium Fingerless gloves Virtual Yarns 7 194
Capillifolium Hat Virtual Yarns 12 126